Tuesday, May 19, 2009

RE5 Quick Hit Update: N'Gai Croal chats with RE5 producer Jun Takeuchi

Keep an eye out for when this article drops for real. Sounds like it has the makings of a great discussion.

"And as Takeuchi went on to explain that the enemies with the grass skirts and spears were seeking to defend the ruins from intruders and that he'd been inspired by Indiana Jones movies, I felt like I once again understood where he'd been coming from. That a two-to-three-week to unspecified African countries and looking at a number of movies set in Africa alongside pop-cultural inspirations like the Indiana Jones series simply hadn't been enough to sufficiently educate him or the team about he legacy of the imagery that they were tapping in to and , as a result, they'd lost control of their message." - Croal

1 comment:

  1. Just learned that N'Gai is canadian, go us!

    Nice blog btw, first time commmenting, not my first visit though.

    Best, George
